5-1 Create a training plan


Aims of the activity and description of target group

The organization and implementation of a Citizen Science project requires many different skills. We have already learned about some of these skills in the previous activities. In this activity we will focus on getting an overall picture of the skills needed and create a training plan to prepare the start of the project. The activity is suitable for researchers and citizens in a group or individual learning setting. Sessions #1 through #4 should be carried out beforehand.

Resources, Materials needed


60 minutes

Step 1 – Overview of areas for improvement (20 minutes)

Take your materials and results from the previous sessions and go through them. Check which skills you have identified in these activities are necessary for the project. Write a note for each skill you need for the project that is not yet covered by you or someone else.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two sections. Label one half with "I will learn" and the other with "Others will do". Divide your sticky notes between the two sections so that all the skills you want to develop yourself are in the "I will learn" section.

Step 2 – Create a training plan (40 minutes)

Search the internet for training opportunities that can help you improve in your chosen areas. There may also be local training opportunities or offerings from your organization to develop specific skills. Try to cover as many areas as possible. You can also exchange ideas in the group if you have identified similar topics.

Here are some websites that offer good training and support:

Use the template for the training plan (Modul2_5-1-Schulungsplan_Vorlage.docx) and enter the training courses you would like to attend and an approximate target date for each course.

See also our sample training plan: Modul2_5-1-Schulungsplan.pdf

Learning Outcomes - which skills are addressed?

The activity enables participants to identify skills that they have not yet developed but that are relevant to the project. They learn to find training opportunities and create a plan for when to do which training.

How do you check the outcomes are reached?

The participants have identified skills that they want to develop further and have drawn up a training plan to acquire these skills.

De-Briefing questions

  • How well do you feel prepared for the project?
  • Are there any skills that are not included in your training plan that you would like to develop further?
  • Do you have any other concerns before starting the project?

Further links and readings
